#NutritionWeek #sgminternationalschool

Celebrating National Nutrition Week

🌟 Celebrating National Nutrition Week from 2.9.24 to 6.9.24 at SGM International School .
🌟This week, our students are embracing healthy eating habits by bringing nutritious and delicious meals according to the menu provided by the school in their lunch boxes. 🥗🍎
Our goal is to inspire young minds to make healthier food choices and understand the impact of nutrition on their overall well-being. By encouraging these habits early on, we’re helping them build a strong foundation for a healthier future! 💪✨

#origamiactivity #sgminternationalschool


Continuously integrate activities that stimulate holistic learning. Origami is one art form which helps this objective greatly. 

#sgminternationalschool #letterformation


activity Letter recognition is the ability to identify and differentiate between letters of the alphabet, both in uppercase and lowercase forms. Letter recognition and formation activity conducted in class nursery.This skill forms the foundation for reading and writing.



There are many exciting ways to teach Abacus to kids. Some can be fun and exciting and some can be just plain tedious. SGM International School believes teaching children through a fun activity. In grade 1 abacus activity was introduced among students.This is an excellent opportunity for children to practise their skills.

#monsoonparty #cornParty

Monsoon Party || Corn Party || 2024

Monsoon’ this beautiful season of the year is a gift from God to mankind. It revives our souls and fills the surroundings with the beauty of freshness and greenery.


Van Mahotsav 2024

Van Mahotsav, or the Forest Festival, is an annual tree-planting festival celebrated in India.

#lemonadeparty #MangoParty

Yellow Day Celebration 2024

The colour yellow is one of the happiest – in my opinion. Is the colour of light and sunshine. My kids would want me to tell you that it is also the colour of Mangoes.

Class Room Activity

Forming Number

The direction the pencil follows when a child writes a number.

Description of Solar System || by The Student of Class III

Description of Solar System

The collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial objects that orbit around the Sun.

Primary Class Room

Red Day Celebration

Celebrating Red Day in preschool is an excellent strategy to introduce young learners to colours, specifically the colour red.

SGM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Celebrated World Earth Day enthusiastically

World Earth Day 2024

SGM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Celebrated World Earth Day enthusiastically.A special assembly was conducted by our students where the entire school united to serve a day dedicated to environmental protection and raising awareness regarding the challenges facing our planet. It’s a day to appreciate our planet, raise awareness about the environmental challenges we face, and inspire action towards a sustainable Students of classes I to V presented a dance performance that was truly enthrilling . 

Primary Class Room

Colour Mixing Activity

Colour mixing activities are a fun, hands-on way to teach children how primary colours turn into secondary colours. Colour mixing also helps children understand: Cause and effect (“I mix this red with blue and it makes purple”)

We Provide

Easy Payment System

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies

We Provide

Easy Payment System

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies
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