Rules of Conduct
- School uniform is compulsory. Students must come to school in proper and clean uniform every day. Shoes must be polished. Only black ribbons, clips, hair bands are allowed. The turbans must be also black. Cleanliness must be stressed upon by parents too.
- An application must be sent to the Principal, in case the child is not in school uniform stating the reason.
- All belongings i.e. water bottle, tiffin, pencil box, text books and notebooks of the child must bear his or her name with Class and Section so that these can be easily identified in case of misplacement.
- All communication with the school must bear the name, class, section and scholar number of the student.
- Any change in address or telephone number must be notified to the school office immediately.
- Writing on walls, desks, boards or washrooms and tearing out pages from the notebooks or school diary is strictly prohibited.
- Regularity and punctuality must be maintained in the school at all times. Parents must all see that this is followed strictly.
- No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without prior permission of the Principal. In case of unforeseen emergency, the school authorities may be contacted.
- Leave application should be in the prescribed form provided by the school. In case of sickness or any contagious disease, an authentic Medical Certificate must be attached with the leave application. On joining back, a Certificate of fitness must be provided along with the application.
- Continuous absence from the school without any information or application will lead to striking off the child’s name from the school rolls after one month.
- Constant negligence of class work or homework, irregular attendance, disobedience, obscenity in word or deed, continuous inattentiveness in class will lead to disciplinary action, suspension or even expulsion from school.
- Expensive items like gold rings, gold chain, money etc should not be sent with the child. School will not be responsible for the damage or loss of such things.
- Parents who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the school as agreed upon at the time of admission will be asked to withdraw their wards.
- No fees, partial or full, will be refunded if any student is asked to leave the school during the session for any reason, in the interest of the school.
- Private tuitions by our school teachers are strictly forbidden. Teachers are not allowed to accept any gifts from student or parents.
- School will not be liable for any damage or charges on account of injuries, fatal or otherwise, sustained by the student at any time during his or her stay in the school. While taking part in sports and extracurricular activities within or outside the school premises.
- Students coming to school on bicycles must lock them. School will not be responsible in case they are lost or stolen.
- Parents must see and sign their wards’ school diary every day and attend Parent Teacher Meeting to follow the progress of students in academics as well as other school activities.
- If school fee is not paid within the given time frame, .i.e. (two months) student’s name will be automatically struck off the rolls. If however, the parent wants the child to continue, readmission charges will have to be paid.
- These rules are liable to alteration or change without any prior notice.